We are pleased to introduce our summer intern, Kelly Hewitt. Kelly is a 3rd year veterinary student at Iowa State University.
Kelly’s interest in swine medicine started when she worked in Dr. Vincent’s Lab at the USDA at the National Animal Disease Center. She collected data in terms of influenza strains isolated from swine in North America. While Kelly was able to visualize the data, she wanted to see what disease looked like in the field and how research can influence treatment decisions on farm.
Last summer, Kelly worked with the Maschhoffs, with sponsorship from Merck, through the Swine Veterinary InternshipProgram. She worked on comparing alternative media choices for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae aerosol exposure in gilt acclimation protocols.
Outside of school, Kelly enjoys volunteering for organized veterinary medicine groups devoted to diversity and inclusion. She also spends a lot of free time training for triathlons (ranging from sprints to half ironmans) as well as 10k’s and half marathons. Kelly also likes to train and run with her black lab mix, Cinder.
We are excited to have Kelly join the SMEC team for the summer!