The SMEC staff attended the 2019 American Association of Swine Veterinarians conference held in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Ruston presented about the “Development of a web-based application for rapid response epidemiological investigations, risk assessments and biosecurity benchmarking.” SMEC’s 2018 summer interns were also in attendance. Annie Szczotka, currently a VM2 at Iowa State University, received a $1,500 scholarship for her student oral presentation looking at “Effects of antibiotic and non-antibiotic interventions applied to swine umbilici within the first 24 hours of life on the incidence of umbilical infection, growth, and mortality.” Brette Ratliff, currently a VM3 at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, had her research poster “Pharmacokinetics of intramuscular, oral, and topical administration of flunixin meglumine in pre-wean piglets” on display.
Dr. Chelsea Ruston presenting in a pre conference seminar
Annie Szczotka presenting during the student oral presentations